Individual Therapy
Individual therapy involves working one one-on-one with a trained mental health practitioner in a supportive, authentic and confidential space. Individual therapy is offered in person, by phone or virtually throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Our clinician’s provide support for a wide variety of presenting concerns including anxiety, depression, OCD, BPD, trauma, grief, addictions, relational difficulties, perinatal populations, stress management, and many other areas of concern. Our clinicians are trauma-informed, neurodivergence affirming and LGBTQSIA+ affirming. At Repose, we know that the therapeutic relationship that you have with your clinician is one of the most supportive factors in creating change. If we can help in finding a
clinician who can best support your needs, please reach out to us.

Couples Therapy
The Gottman Method is a world renowned and award winning-research-based approach to relationships. In your sessions with a trained couples and marriage therapist, you will begin with an in-depth assessment to evaluate the health of your relationship. You will have the opportunity to talk openly about difficult topics, unaddressed conflict, intimacy issues, infidelity, or ongoing issues affecting your relationship in a safe, non-judgemental space. We also offer individual relationship counselling, fertility, prenatal/pregnancy and postpartum counselling. What we discuss and explore in therapy is guided by your unique needs and goals. Together we will develop the best plan to help you build a thriving relationship. If your relationship or marriage feels like it is at a breaking point and separation or divorce seems like the only option, take hope that we have helped many couples in St. John’s, NL and even couples across Canada (virtually) to repair and rebuild their relationship. For those who do choose to separate or divorce we can help you do so in the most civilized way possible. No matter where you fall on the continuum, together we will help you and your partner build a healthy relationship in which you feel loved, respected and valued.

Family Therapy
Family therapy provides a space for family members to better understand each other's unmet needs and work through difficult emotions, beliefs or conflicts that are interfering with family members' relationships. Family Therapy focuses on enhancing communication, increasing awareness of family members needs, facilitating attachment focused interactions, and enhancing attuned caregiver responses. We are here to support all members of the family to be heard, supported and to move toward a better relationship for all.

Grief and Loss
Everyone will experience grief and loss throughout their lives. Many people think of grief as death, but grief encompasses many significant life events. Grief can include: the death of a loved one, unexpected, violent, or traumatic deaths, or the death of a pet. It includes the loss of an intimate relationship due to separation, divorce, or breakup and the loss of relationships with family members or close friends. There is grief in an injury or a decline in health or losses related to the diagnosis of a disability or living with a disability
While everyone will experience grief and loss, the experience will be different for everyone. Common feelings include: anger, sadness, shock, denial, fear, insecurity, anxiety, hopelessness, loneliness, guilt, shame, disgust, or despair. Many people often have physical symptoms as well such as: sleeplessness, nausea, weight loss or gain, fatigue, and aches and pains. No matter what your grief experience looks or feels like, we can help support you through this extremely difficult time.

New Canadians
Moving to a new country is a significant transition and can be incredibly overwhelming. If you’re a newcomer to Canada, we can help support you through any challenges you may be facing including: trauma, grief and loss, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, parenting, stress, and addictions. Our counsellors are culturally sensitive and strive to provide a welcoming, safe, accessible, and non-judgemental space for everyone.

Still have questions? We are here to help!
To learn more about our services or to book an appointment, please fill in the form or email us directly at assessment@reposewellnessnl.com